
Friday 9 March 2012

Converting the Carnivore

We have that one (or maybe more!) person in our lives... the picky eater. This could be further classified as the sweet tooth, the pizza guy, or the infamous will-not-touch-anything-from-the-produce-aisle. This last mention is the one I will be addressing today, will all my best tips for getting fruits and veggies into even the most stubborn of eaters. 

I have seen many blog topics about this issue, but they are mainly focused on getting produce into picky children... that is not the case with me. The pickiest eater I know is in his twenties. And, before the bashing begins, he is truly wonderful, albeit his poor eating habits. 

"Pizza, burgers, anything with cheese" are among his most common requests... and that is perfectly fine for him, except when cooking for two, its nice to agree on one item (especially something that will not make the person actually cooking it regretful). )These are a few of the most successful things I have tried: 

- Cauliflower crust pizza (recipe to come!): a simple way to cut some carbs in a popular dish among all age groups! If this is a success, try making "pizzas" on portobello mushrooms, eggplant rounds, etc. 

- Veggies with dip: seems obvious and simple for children, but also a good alternative to salad for even the pickiest adult eaters 

- Experiment with different forms of the vegetables. I have found that a dislike for a vegetable usually comes from a distinct memory. Try roasting vegetables rather than steaming (broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes) as it brings out a much different and more flavorful result. 

- Once some vegetables have been identified as keepers, try them in a variety of recipes (pastas, omelets, sandwiches, pizzas, etc) 

Happy vegging!

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