
Friday 9 March 2012

Converting the Carnivore

We have that one (or maybe more!) person in our lives... the picky eater. This could be further classified as the sweet tooth, the pizza guy, or the infamous will-not-touch-anything-from-the-produce-aisle. This last mention is the one I will be addressing today, will all my best tips for getting fruits and veggies into even the most stubborn of eaters. 

I have seen many blog topics about this issue, but they are mainly focused on getting produce into picky children... that is not the case with me. The pickiest eater I know is in his twenties. And, before the bashing begins, he is truly wonderful, albeit his poor eating habits. 

"Pizza, burgers, anything with cheese" are among his most common requests... and that is perfectly fine for him, except when cooking for two, its nice to agree on one item (especially something that will not make the person actually cooking it regretful). )These are a few of the most successful things I have tried: 

- Cauliflower crust pizza (recipe to come!): a simple way to cut some carbs in a popular dish among all age groups! If this is a success, try making "pizzas" on portobello mushrooms, eggplant rounds, etc. 

- Veggies with dip: seems obvious and simple for children, but also a good alternative to salad for even the pickiest adult eaters 

- Experiment with different forms of the vegetables. I have found that a dislike for a vegetable usually comes from a distinct memory. Try roasting vegetables rather than steaming (broccoli, asparagus, tomatoes) as it brings out a much different and more flavorful result. 

- Once some vegetables have been identified as keepers, try them in a variety of recipes (pastas, omelets, sandwiches, pizzas, etc) 

Happy vegging!

Friday 3 February 2012

"Do you eat cheese?"

I was recently asked this question, and have received many derivatives of this over the years. Due to this, I have can assume that many  'meat-eaters' are unsure of the key differences between vegetarians and vegans, and the different levels in between. 

The first, and by far most lenient,  is called a semi-vegetarian. These people consume dairy products, eggs, chicken, and fish, but do not eat any other meat products. Many of those on the stricter end of the scale frown upon this classification with comments such as, "giving vegetarians a bad name" etc. I however, are among those that believe these people should not be penalized, because any attempt to cut back on meat consumption is commendable. 

The second category, and the popular, is ovo-lacto vegetarians, who do not consume meat, poultry, or seafood, but do eat dairy products and eggs. This category also includes the sub-groups of ovo-vegetarians (no milk/dairy products) and lacto-vegetarians (no eggs). 

The final category, and the most strict, are vegans. In my experience, this is often mistaken for vegetarians for those unfamiliar with these lifestyles. Vegans in general do not consume any animal products, or animal by-products, including dairy products, eggs, and for some yeast and honey. Many vegans also go as far as to not purchase or wear clothing items made from animal products, mainly being leather and fur, but also including wool and silk. 

I hope that this may have put things into simpler, easy to understand manner! 

Whichever group you are in, aspire to become, or are simply curious to explore,

Happy Vegging!
- Avery 

Friday 20 January 2012

Happy Vegging

Vegetarianism is nothing new, people have chosen to eliminate meat and animal products partially or entirely from their diets for centuries, and there are a multitude of reasons as to why. Personally, I was raised as a vegetarian, and at the age of twelve, began dabbling in a omnivorous lifestyle a bit... but it just was not for me. 

This blog came to life because of the questions and comments I constantly receive concerning being a vegetarian. The general consensus from the meat eaters I know is that they do not want to eliminate meat entirely, but that they are interested in learning more about meatless meals. A common quote : "I would like to eat less meat, but I am unsure of where to start?" 

Answering this question is what my blog will strive to answer. I will not constantly preach the benefits and urge people to change entirely, but rather answer the questions of meat-eaters, and provide simple recipe swaps for popular meat-based meals. My blog will also explore, explain, and review various vegetarian products that are being used in my recipes. In the final section, 'converting the carnivore,'  I will document trying various vegetarian dishes on my favorite, yet most stubborn 'carnivore.' 

In short, this vegetarian blog is a little different than most, as I am intentionally writing this for non-vegetarians to take the mystery out of meatless. If there is any questions you have, recipes you would like to see, or any suggestions, please comment and let me know! 

Happy Vegging! 